Join us in making our voices heard!
With the appearance of Long COVID, other illnesses like ME/CFS, POTS, Dysautonomia, and Fibromyalgia are finally getting more attention and understanding. Medical professionals and people in government are recognizing the links between Long COVID and other infection-associated chronic conditions.
Now is the time for us to start approaching our legislators who decide what issues will be a focus and what causes will receive funding. There are MassME members who have already written to their state legislators and met with them, or spoken to legislative aides.
You can make a difference!
“Doing advocacy” can sound intimidating, but it is easier than it might seem at first. We have been told by legislators that they need to and want to hear from their constituents, otherwise they don’t know what’s important to us.
Various current issues are being addressed at the state and federal levels, and we’re here to help make sure that your elected representatives at both levels hear and see you. Right now we have two ways you can help us to advocate:
First and most immediately, registration has been extended for Solve M.E.'s Advocacy Week.
Let’s represent Massachusetts during Advocacy Week, in the halls of Congress, without even leaving home! For full details of Advocacy Week 2024, click here. Be sure to register with Solve M.E. to participate. They will provide all the guidance you need.
We are hoping to have at least one constituent from each congressional district in MA.
Second, please let MassME know who your state and federal representatives are, so we can organize efforts to reach out to key legislators on the issues that mean the most to us – better clinical care and resources for people with ME, Long COVID, and other infection-related chronic conditions.
We put together a form so you can let us know who your representatives are. There are different districts for each of the nine MA Representatives in the House, for State Senators (40 in total in MA) and for State Representatives (160 in total in MA).
We would like to know your:
Congressional - US Representative Name and District
State Senate - Name and District
State Representative - Name and District
To find your representatives, click here and enter your address.