Young Adult Support Group for those with ME/CFS, FM, Lyme, Long Covid, and Chronic IllnessTuesday, February 7th, at 3:30 P.M. ET
Saturday, February 18th, at 10:30 A.M. ET
This drop-in Virtual Support Group is interactive and provides a safe space for patients to share stories and experiences, ask questions, and offer one another support. The group is run by Kerry Lang, LMHC. Kerry is a MA licensed mental health counselor with experience leading groups and workshops for those with chronic illness, specifically those with Lyme disease, and more recently Long COVID and ME/CFS. Please Note: Due to professional licensing requirements, we are only able to offer this program to Massachusetts residents. What age is considered Young Adult? Anyone over the age of 18 who self-identifies as a young adult, either through age or via the life challenges typically experienced by this population. Relevant topics of this group are challenges with college/higher education, starting a career, housing challenges, dating and/or starting a family, and social challenges. You are welcome to register for one or both sessions. These groups are free for members, with any donations to offset costs welcome. We ask non-members to contribute a $10 fee for each session. A contribution of $25 or more will include annual membership. |