New guidance on COVID-19 vaccinationsThe FDA has issued new simplified guidance, making the updated bivalent COVID-19 vaccine available for more people. Anyone over the age of 6 months who is unvaccinated, or had their vaccination or last booster prior to September 2022, is eligible for one dose of the new bivalent vaccine now. If you are 65 years or older, and had one dose of the bivalent vaccine 4 or more months ago, you may get a second dose now. If you are immunocompromised, you can get a second dose after only 2 months. As always, contact your health care provider for advice or to answer any questions. The Charles River Community Health Center is having a free COVID-19 vaccine clinic at the Waltham Boys& Girls Club, 20 Exchange St, Waltham, on Saturday May 19th from 11 A.M. - 5 P.M. Open to all people 6 months or older. No appointment, insurance, or ID is necessary.