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American Academy of Environmental Medicine
Phone: (316) 684-5500
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. A physician's organization—you can search for members who practice environmental medicine in your area.


Chemical Injury Information Network Provides information and referral to members; publishes a monthly newsletter. Maintains a library on chemical injury.


Human Ecology Action League, Inc.
PO Box 49126
Atlanta, GA 30359 Information clearinghouse with chapters and support groups around the country.


Massachusetts Association for the Chemically Injured (MACI)
PO Box 754
Andover, MA 01810-0745
(978) 681-5117
Fax (978) 686 0745
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Information, referral and support for people with MCS. Also holds monthly meetings and publishes a newslet­ter.


Multiple Chemical Sensitivities Referrals and Resources—an organization with a wealth of resources for patients and health care providers.


National Center for Environmental Health Strategies Focuses on initiating change and empowering the public with hard data, such as medical, legal, and policy in­formation. Provides information on gaining accommo­dations at work and school.