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- Last Updated: 24 November 2015 24 November 2015
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Stepping up to the plate by the Private Sector
Dr. Friedman wrapped up his presentation with very encouraging news about several new private initiatives which are being set up for CFS research. He reported there were now three non-federal funded sources for ME/CFS research:
- the Whittemore Peterson Institute (WPI) which is well recognized by the ME/CFS community
- the Chronic Fatigue Initiative, Inc. (CFI), an organization funded by a $10 million donation from a private family (the donation will be used on multiple CFS studies, after investigators determine "critical" questions and areas in ME/CFS research)
- the Simmaron Research Foundation, an organization of friends and patients of Dr. Daniel Peterson that will donate an as-yet-to-be-determined amount of money to support Dr. Peterson's research done in collaboration with other research groups.